Empower Smooth Lab Business Management With Integrated Lab Automation Systems

Enhance the efficiency and continuity of your medical laboratory's operations by implementing top-notch Integrated Lab Automation Software. This advanced system ensures error-free transactions and smooth information exchange among all stakeholders.

Loved By
Businesses Worldwide
Integrated Lab Automation Systems

Our Integrated Laboratory Systems Is Safe and Compliant with

CrelioHealth ensures all laboratory integrations meet regulatory compliances, including privacy regulations and industry standards for healthcare. Maintain compliance with



  • ISO 27001:2013 CERTIFIED


Enhancing Lab Operational Accuracy

Our Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions facilitate accurate data transfer, streamline workflows with minimal staff dependency, ensuring interoperability across diverse platforms. This enhances operational efficiency and boosts patient satisfaction in their journey with your medical laboratory.

Explore The Device Integrations That CrelioHealth Supports

Analyzer Interfacing

Seamlessly interface a wide range of equipment using protocols like TCP, RS232, LAN, FTP, HTTPS, HL7, ASTM with CrelioHealth's Laboratory Integrated Management System.

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Integration With Other LIS/HIS

Enhance efficient data exchange by combining the capabilities of existing HIS or LIS through CrelioHealth Integrated Laboratory Systems integration.

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Integrated Reporting Software

Utilize integrated reporting software for comprehensive analysis and presentation of diagnostic data, enabling informed decisions.

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EHR/EMR Integration

Our Integrated Laboratory Automation ensures seamless communication between labs and medical practices, including healthcare providers, through EHR integration.

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Integrating Billing & Insurance Systems

Optimize billing and insurance processes by integrating Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions with systems, ensuring precision and efficiency in financial transactions.

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Clinical Tools

Access various clinical tools seamlessly integrated into the diagnostic software within Integrated Lab Automation Systems for enhanced diagnostic capabilities and improved patient care.

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Implementing Hassle-Free Business Operations

Our wide range of integrated laboratory automation tools empowers smooth transactions across various business fronts, from government portals to payment gateways to communication and marketing platforms and others, enabling prompt business collaboration and communication with all stakeholders.

View All Integrations We Offer

Middleware Integration

Explore seamless integration with middleware systems to enhance the connectivity and efficiency of your lab operations and Laboratory Integrated Management Systems.

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Website Integration

Effortlessly incorporate our Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions into your website, enhancing user experience and increasing accessibility for stakeholders.

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FAX Integration

Streamline communication with Integrated Laboratory Automation FAX integration, ensuring quick and reliable exchange of critical information.

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POS Machine & Payment Gateways

Facilitate smooth transactions and financial processes by integrating with POS machines and various payment gateways with Integrated Laboratory Data.

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Accounting Tools

Sync your lab operations effortlessly with Integrated Lab Systems and popular accounting tools, ensuring accurate financial management.

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Enhance overall business efficiency by integrating CrelioHealth Lab Solutions with your Integrated Laboratory Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

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Messaging Platforms

Stay connected by integrating with messaging platforms, facilitating effective communication within your Integrated Laboratory Automation and lab ecosystem.

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3rd Party Aggregators

Expand your reach and connectivity by integrating with Integrated Laboratory Solutions and third-party aggregators, optimizing your lab services for a broader audience.

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Why CrelioHealth’s Integrated Lab Solutions Is A Must For Your Laboratory Business

Attain seamless interoperability by incorporating third-party Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), ensuring secure data transfer and swift implementation to enhance laboratory scalability cost-effectively with our Integrated Lab Solution.


Persistent Interoperability

Ensure the sustained and seamless interoperability of your laboratory operations by leveraging the features of CrelioHealth's Integrated Lab Solutions. This advanced Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions is carefully crafted to promote efficient communication, collaboration, and data exchange across various facets of your laboratory ecosystem, guaranteeing a cohesive and streamlined workflow.

auto dispatch delivery lims

High Data Security & Privacy

Safeguard your invaluable & critical data with unwavering confidence through the robust and advanced capabilities of CrelioHealth's Integrated Laboratory Systems. The Integrated Lab Solution emphasizes robust data security, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and meticulous adherence to compliance standards, thereby fortifying the overall integrity of your laboratory operations.

interface lab instruments lims

Prompt Support For Lab Integrations

Maximize the advantages provided by CrelioHealth's state-of-the-art Integrated Lab Automation Systems, where reliable expertise and prompt support converge. Our dedicated team guarantees swift and efficient assistance, ensuring a seamless and trouble-free integration process for your laboratory operations through our commitment to Integrated Laboratory Automation.

outsourcing samples lims

Cost-Effective Implementation

Enhance budget efficiency and streamline operational expenses effortlessly with CrelioHealth's advanced and economical execution solutions, meticulously designed for Integrated Laboratory Systems. Our complete Integrated Laboratory Solutions guarantee operational effectiveness without compromising quality, firmly establishing it as the optimal and preferred choice for your laboratory business.

Leading The Pack: Here Are The Top Awards & Recognition Of CrelioHealth’s Integrated Lab Automation Systems

image showing a dashboard of all api and webhook documentation

Empower Your Workflow with CrelioHealth's Integrated Lab Automation API Docs

Effortlessly integrate and significantly enhance operational efficiency with CrelioHealth's state-of-the-art Integrated Laboratory System, utilizing open APIs for seamless and streamlined processes.

Self Registration

Open APIs

Connect seamlessly using our open APIs. Generate tokens for registering patients, scheduling appointments, arranging home collections, and more. The possibilities are endless.

Capture medical history

Incoming Webhooks

Stay informed with real-time updates on insurance payments and claims through CrelioHealth's Integrated Systems Laboratory. Incoming webhooks settle bills in your LIMS System for operations.

Unique slot availability

Outgoing Webhooks

Receive real-time updates with webhooks for patient registration, confirmation, and scheduling with CrelioHealth's Integrated Lab Solution, ensuring accurate record-keeping and receipts.

What Is Integrated Laboratory Automation?

Integrated Laboratory Automation involves the comprehensive use of automated systems, technologies, and software to optimize laboratory processes. It integrates different instruments and devices, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration. The key objectives in Integrated Laboratory Systems include enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity by automating tasks such as sample processing and data analysis. This approach minimizes manual interventions and reduces the risk of errors. Integrated Lab Automation Systems are crucial in settings like clinical laboratories, research facilities, and diagnostic centers, where high throughput and accuracy are paramount. Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions streamlines workflows, ensures interoperability, and contributes to standardized and optimized laboratory practices, ultimately accelerating the pace of laboratory activities.

Why Use CrelioHealth’s Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions Tools?

Improves Lab’s TAT
for every process
Generates quality and
accurate results
Speeds up financial and
accounting processes
Boosts networking and
Prevents delays and
eliminates inconveniences
Improves service delivery
quality and time

Benefits Of CrelioHealth’s Integrated Lab Solution

Interoperable Data Manage

Effortlessly and efficiently manage data across your expansive healthcare network and intricate business operations with the seamless interoperability of our cutting-edge Integrated Lab Automation Systems.

Secure and Error-Free

Ensure a secure and error-free transfer of comprehensive information, encompassing patient details, sample information, bills, payments, and more, with our advanced Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions.

Faster Report Delivery

Improve report delivery efficiency, providing stakeholders with timely and beneficial information through our state-of-the-art Integrated Laboratory Data, thereby enhancing communication channels.

Improve Communication

Facilitate collaboration and communication with partners, corporate clients, healthcare providers, staff, and patients, promoting efficiency in healthcare processes with Integrated Laboratory Automation Solutions.

Build Better Relationships

Facilitate uninterrupted connectivity and enhanced operational reliability, providing ease in building more robust relationships with stakeholders through Integrated Lab Automation Systems.

Ease of use

Optimize user interaction with streamlined services for staff, B2Bs, & patients through device integrations, like POS machines, barcode scanners, payment gateways, and more within Integrated Laboratory Systems.

Enhance Business Relationships and Results with Our Powerful Integrated Laboratory Systems

Explore the capabilities of our Integrated Lab Automation Systems by scheduling a free demo. Connect with our team of product specialists for a detailed overview of the features and advantages provided by our advanced Integrated Systems Laboratory.